Happy New Year

Well we are now in 2010 and this is a time for reflecting on what has passed and preparing from what is to come.

On reflection I can say without fear of contradiction that this has been the most creatively satisfying year of my life. I have produced more (and better quality) work than ever before and I really feel that my are is developing in new and exciting directions. I have made new friends who have such great talents and have kindly passed on some of their knowledge to me. I now have people who I can talk to about 'this stuff' - and for that I am eternally grateful.

For the future I do not really believe in New Year resolutions - because I have usually broken them by the 2nd January, but this year I will try to keep some creative ones:

  • Take more classes and learn more techniques that I can then use in my own work.
  • Be more confident in the work that I produce. This year I have sold a few pieces, and given some really well received gifts so they can't all be wrong :)
  • Try to make some time each week to create - even if it something small and insignificant. My work life is quite stressful and this outlet really helps me stay balanced (sort of!)
  • Teach some more classes - I had such a great time doing it in 2009.
  • Remember to keep some of the things I make!
So as I raise a glass to those that I love this New Year - I hope that you get the 2010 that you desire!

1 comment

  1. Happy New Year Sarah. I hope you mange to keep to your resolutions.


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