A very busy start to my 'new life'... a birthday and getting all 'earth mothery'!!

So how did I start my new life? Well with a long birthday weekend for a start!

On Thursday I went to see the gorgeous John Barrowman at the Cambridge Corn Exchange with my friend Vicki, and we couldn't resist falling even more in love with him (if that is even possible).

Then on Friday the lovely Paul took the day off work and we went to London. Lunch in Covent Garden, a bit of shopping and a visit to the Natural History Museum was a day well spent. I love Benjamin Pollock's Toyshop in Covent Garden which is a complete treasury of gorgeousness, and I came away with a tiny mechanical songbird in a cage - Maisy is really not sure about it :)

Paul made me a birthday card with our cats on it - how cute!

On Saturday night we had a lovely meal out at Loch Fyne in Elton for my birthday. That's me on the left, my best friend Erms in the middle and the gorgeous Paul on the right! We didn't get to bed until 4am - what rebels we still are!!!

So after all of that carousing I felt the need on Sunday to get out in the garden and harvest the rest of my veg. This parsnip fella made me laugh - but I do have the sense of humour of a 5 year old :)

I read Gina's blog and she is always making some fabulous from her garden produce so I thought I would have a go. As usual, I decided to do it my way rather than follow a recipe - all I know is it needs vinegar and sugar, then loads of lovely 'stuff' - which you cook for a few hours and I keep my fingers crossed. I did look up about sterilising the jars so no one should get food poisoning :)

So we went from this...

to this...

To this...

It tastes lovely (if I say so myself)! And the only thing I didn't grow was the tin of tomatoes I added to bulk it up a bit! Not bad for someone who was never at home to look after the veg plot! Next year will be even better!

But I did actually manage to spend some time in the studio on Sunday night and made a mobile phone holder for my new HTC Desire. 

I am definitely going through a purple phase!

So there ends a busy weekend - I hope you made it to the end of the post :)


  1. What a lovely long Birthday weekend you had ~ and didn't you do well with your veg and the finished product looks great ~ The Mobile phone holder is really pretty and I loved your photographs ~ Ally x ~

  2. PS I forgot to say I really loved the tiny mechanical songbird in a cage - and I love the look on Maisy's face ~ Ally x
    the little

  3. That looks like very professional chutney!

  4. Sounds like you have had a busy weekend - glad you had a good birthday - and the chutney looks lovely.


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