Doctor Who exhibition

I couldn't resist sharing some pics of our trip to the Dr Who exhibition in Cardiff during our holiday. I am a huge fan and have been since the Tom Baker days (as I how my age).

I couldn't resist having my picture taken next to a headless David Tennant:

But don't worry, I bought a life-size David Tennant cardboard cut-out (with head) to keep me company in my studio!

And any of you who know me will know how much I love John Barrowman so they were lucky I was so well behaved standing next to his Captain Jack costume...

The exhibitions were great - very interactive and the Daleks and Cybermen where quite startling. I was a little disappointed that there is nothing from season 4 (where David leaves) and season 5 (where we meet Matt as the new Doctor) so it could really do with some updating... but as a fan, small as it was I felt it was well worth a visit.

But for those days when there is just not enough time... I found myself a TARDIS. Result!!

1 comment

  1. We will have to see your life size David Tennant in situe when you get home ,thanks for sharing this Jan xx


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